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Benefits of chicken not known by many ones

1.Resistance against depressive disorder

Tryptophan composed in chicken is an amino acid essential for the human’s body and capable of resisting the symptoms of depressive disorder. It is not weird that consuming much chicken could cause a high fluctuation of emotion because Serotonin in chicken could help providing well sleeping.

2.Weight Loss

Chicken acts as a source of several proteins and the assistant for weight loss. It sounds strange but chicken actually plays important role in losing weight at abdominal area. Various menus can be cooked from chicken such as roasted chicken in sauce.

3.Exhaustion Prevention

The parts of chicken, particularly liver, are considered as the source of Vitamin B12 which nurtures the blood cells and builds more freshness.

4.Muscle Reinforcement and Reparation

Absolutely, chicken is source of proteins which is capable of reinforcing muscle and repairing the deteriorated parts. Moreover, such proteins could greatly enrich skins, hairs, nails, and bones.

5.Strengthening Disease Immunity

Chicken could enrich various parts in body. It is regarded as the sources of iron strengthening up body’s immunity to resist cancer and serious diseases.

6.Enrichment of Eyesight

Chicken is a source of Vitamin A beneficial for better eyesight and it is ensured that consuming chicken means an alternative to nurture eyesight.


Chicken liver, particularly, contains Vitamin B12 leading to healthiness. It could reinforce and repair skin to be strong again and resist the pain within oral cavity and at tongue because of its Vitamin B2.

8.Preserving Thyroid Gland

Consuming chicken means well nurturing thyroid gland because of the Selenium acting as the Iodine source composes in chicken.

9.Fetal Enrichment

A chicken liver contains Folate capable of well enrichment for fetuses. The pregnant women should consume high volume of chicken liver in order to reinforce the growth of their fetuses and to reduce the stress from pregnancy.

10.Enhancement of Learning Process

Chicken consists of Vitamin B3 whereby Niacin enhances learning process. It means consuming chicken will nurture DNAs or genetic genes in human’s body and the better learning response in each age range can be yielded.

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